Sunday, October 12, 2008


It's Sunday afternoon and I'm reviewing for the three midterms/exams I have coming up over the next two days. I was looking over Personality stuff and I found this passage in the textbook that, strangely enough, made me happy:

Authentic existence will not relieve you from loneliness and unhappiness; a courageous examination of conscious experience reveals the awful truth that every person is alone and doomed. Life has no meaning beyond what you give it... (Funder, 2007)
Over the past couple weeks, I've found myself recognizing more instances when courses overlap with other courses or with life. I like feeling.

Feeling good about exams (they're all for classes I like), and it's a beautiful fall day (and another big prospective weekend -- admissions is getting so lucky!) -- what more could I ask for? There are lots of thoughts in my brain, but they just don't wanna come out now, so I'll have to stop there.