Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Office Cookies

Nothing inspiring to say but want to get into the habit of writing. Watching The Office and homemade eating oatmeal chocolate chip cookies before bed. The Office (reruns) has become a de facto nightly routine for us. The cookie baking was a first and a little rough because our oven cooks unevenly or is really hot...we're not quite sure yet, but it makes baking difficult.

I'm reliable on transcription and coding, which means I can actually do independent productive work and help try to get data entry caught up. I've also torn down cabinets in the main office as we remodel it into a common space / conference room. And I've been mistaken for a doc student. Other than that, getting into a routine of going to work (some kid time, some desk time, some time eating children's snacks with my boss), then coming home and eating, then gym or fitness outside, relaxing, bed, repeat. Weekends often involve adventures and tracking down good grocery deals.

Five weeks after starting I finally was "in the system" enough to get a permenant parking permit and be on payroll for real. Pay Kay pay day, as my Grampy used to quote.