Sunday, September 5, 2010


So since moving here I have embarked on some new activities. They're both solitary, because I have no friends. First, it was returning to running, which is still going well. Now, today I needed another outlet, and, for some reason, I decided to pretend to be an artisan and make clay beads. I just laughed out loud at how ridiculous that sounds. I realize the sadness of the situation. I feel like this is how I would be if I were a recovering addict, doing the most obscure activities to keep my mind off my drug of choice. I guess in a way this is true, minus the drugs (thankfully.)

Also, my Grampy's burial service was today (in Rhode Island, where I am not.) Thinking of him lots.

And one last note: Southerners go crazy for football. Today was the first Vanderbilt game and it was nuts around here. People tailgating everywhere I looked and spread pretty far from the stadium. They also set fireworks off for kickoff at 6:30 when it was still fully bright outside...I was confused about the point of that.