Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Having another homesick bout (I'm gonna go ahead and guess that this happens about once a month -- yay hormones) and taking it out on the South / Nashville. Gonna put my nasty thoughts here so that no one here hears me, seeing as that probably wouldn't help the whole no friends situation...
- I want to scream whenever anyone says "y'all." It's not a real word. I would give a lot of money to hear a Boston or Maine or Canadian accent right now. I guess there's YouTube.
- Can we talk about the lack of diversity? And not just racial diversity (though that is sad as well.) I mean just people diversity. KD was talking about the quirky people in MN, and I realized that there appears to be a complete lack of quirky people here. Where are the interesting people hiding?
- I've given the finger (under the steering wheel so it's unseen by others, but still) to countless drivers here. It's so hard to explain, but seriously nobody signals but they drive so slow that it's actually more annoying because you have to wait an hour for approaching cars to decide where they're going.
- I am 7 hours' drive from the nearest significant body of water. I am craving a watery horizon. Even Southern California sounds like a haven compared to here. Never thought I would think that. Hormones, I hear you loud and clear.
- I am so incredibly sick of failing at socializing. I am so awful at getting to know new people, and it is a million times harder when you have no one sharing your experience with you (like other freshmen at college or people in a training program at work.) I've been sitting with the Master's students recently, who are all really young (two even just graduated in May as well), and they're nice and all, but of course they're always talking (complaining, really) about school, in classes together, etc., so what motivation do they have for getting to know me? I've gotten so frustrated that I think it's now a learned helplessness situation, so basically now I've given up and am screwed. Great.

- Relatedly, where the hell am I supposed to meet someone in between the endpoints of "at a bar" and "at church"??
- Side thought: I wouldn't mind having no friends (well, except for safety purposes maybe) if I were traveling around to fun places, but I'm stuck here. Who wants to buy me an around the world plane ticket (and/or fast forward a year or two)?

Sorry, this is not a good example of a good open-minded Batesie -- I swear I usually am, just once a month everything gets to me. And, again, I realize these things have absolutely nothing to do with the South or Nashville being bad places -- they're just things that remind that I'm not anywhere near where I belong, so I get sad/angry.