I recently stumbled upon some old journal entries. From my first couple weeks at Bates:
Who will be my "friends"? When will I feel more comfortable and able to eat 3 meals a day? I hope I gain the freshman fifteen because then I will have been able to eat.Thankful every day for all those who helped me get through this time. And reading these old entries is reminding me just how many people there were who helped me, majorly or minorly, knowingly or not. Thank you all.
Also, a few days ago, I suddenly remembered LiveJournal and went to look at it. Much of it is highly embarrassing, but telling. Also, I talked way too much about school -- I guess that was my life then, but it's funny to think about how hard I was studying for a test that I now remember nothing about. So I've accidentally re-earthed thoughts from two timepoints in my life over the course of a couple days. Funny.
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